Long Term Disability

What is Long Term Disability Insurance?

Long term disability (LTD) insurance pays you some of your income if you become disabled and are unable to work. LTD insurance may be part of a group benefit that you have obtained through your employment. Or, if you are self-employed, you may have purchased an individual contract of long term disability insurance.

How do I qualify for long term disability benefits?

Most long term disability policies will pay you benefits if you become “totally disabled” within the definition set out in the policy. Most long term disability policies are different and the exact definition of total disability or “totally disabled” will depend on the individual policies.

Generally, however, you will be entitled to benefits if you are unable to carry out the normal functions of your usual job. If you are unable to do your normal job, most policies will pay you long term disability benefits for two years.

After two years, the definition of “totally disabled” or “completely disabled” changes. In order to continue to qualify for long term disability benefits, you must be unable to do any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience.

Every policy is different. Therefore, if you become injured or suffer an illness that renders you unable to work, and you are located in the Oshawa area, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer at Simeson Law LLP to understand and assess your legal rights relating to your long term disability claim.

How long will I be entitled to collect benefits?

Once again, every policy is different, but if you are totally disabled from doing any occupation, most policies will pay benefits until age 65.

How much does long term disability pay?

This again depends on the individual policy, but most policies will pay approximately two-thirds of your normal wage or salary.

Can the insurance company deduct any other benefits from my LTD payment?

Generally, a long term disability policy will require that if you become disabled you must apply for Canada Pension Plan disability benefits and if you are entitled to these, most policies will deduct the CPP disability benefit from your LTD benefit.

What if I am receiving a benefit and the insurance company cuts me off that benefit?

At Simeson Law LLP, on most Long term disability claims, we work on what is called a contingency fee basis. This means that you do not have to pay us until your claim is resolved and until you have received money. You should contact a lawyer at Simeson Law LLP to review this in detail.